I've cleaned up the interface, so the JKL level converter is ready to be used! If anyone finds any bugs, be sure to let me know so I can fix them.
Remember to press F1 to see exactly how to use the program.
I don't particularly care for brush editing in the UDK. It's slow and cumbersome to drag around and re-size a builder brush. Want swim-able water? You have to not only make the level geometry, but also water volumes, and post-process volumes for the underwater effects. In the old days things were so much simpler. Just extrude and cleave your geometry, assign sector flags and you are done. Then I found out the editor can import text based level files. I set out to write a level converter, which would allow me to make level geometry in an older, easier to use level editor. Here is the result! It works perfectly! The converter does a few things:
Finished up the high detail rocket launcher model which I will use to generate normal maps.
The design is based off of a low poly model and concept art I made in 2007! Well, it's been a while, but Membrane continues active development. I've decided to start a video developer log to show what I've been doing. Check out the video for some actual game-play! Oh yeah, and weapons. All sounds are temporary placeholders.
Feature log: -Decided to use the Unreal Engine 3. (Learning as I go!) -Melee / Fists weapon modeled. (Very) Basic scripting done. Punch things! -Auto Pistol modeled, textured, animated, scripted. -Shotgun modeled, textured, animated, scripted. -Double Barrel Shotgun modeled, textured, animated, scripted. -Various ammo pickups created. -Added place-able weapon pickup support. -Custom player model in game with all major movement animations. -Key Toggle-able third person camera. -Other bug fixes, including a resolution specific weapon offset "bug" that had to be fixed before I could record the video. blah! I've been hard at work on the player model for the game: It is completely modeled and textured. Check out the video! A lot of the detail is lost in the YouTube compression, so here is also an image. So after kicking around a few options, I've finally settled on the name of my game: Membrane.
I also had a cool idea for the logo. Unfortunately it also took forever to draw. Seriously. FOREVER. Here it is. Click the pic for a larger version. How cute, the next generation of evil invaders. They want to bite your face off.
I'm a 3D production artist. Here you can see my art and other projects. Archives
August 2019